New Custom Work
Phew, survived Christmas unscathed! Chrismas dinner was nice, almost on time, and I didn't poison anyone with the turkey. The less said about my doomed from the very start Christmas cake, however, the better... Also I can now share some custom orders/pressies that I made for people, as (hopefully) they'll have received them by now.
A silver initial letter 'T' in my gothic font:
A custom roller derby necklace with skate number and black spinel gemstone:
And a Christmas present for my mum, made to match the earrings I made for her 60th birthday:
And a pair of earrings for someone at work, with little garnet stones:
The photography was done on my iphone, so it's rubbish I'm afraid, but I didn't have time to get out my proper camera and lights before I had to send everything out.
I've also done another couple of custom orders that I can't share just yet...