Posts by LaurenGrace
Wax Carving for Jewellery Course

Quite some time ago now, I signed up for a wax carving course at Morley College. I’ve been carving for a few years but, as I’m self-taught, I thought some tuition from the wax master himself, Russell Lownsborough, would be helpful. It was such a great class, from basics to beyond, and I’d highly recommend it. I finally had some time to get my project cast into silver and finished, so I can share the process.

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Initial Charm Commission

I was recently contacted by a lovely new client, who wanted to have a replacement made for her daughter’s lost Links of London initial charm. Usually I would never even consider making a copy of someone else’s work, but (a) Links no longer make these and (b) they may have been…

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Peridot and Diamond Earrings

I’m finally able to share these custom peridot and diamond earrings, as they have now been received by their new owner. I started making these what feels like a lifetime ago now, just after the first lockdown, then the entire jewellery trade pretty much shut down overnight!

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Pre-Christmas Sale

So, Black Friday… I decided not to participate this weekend, as I believe in fair pricing, which reflects the time it takes to make each piece of jewellery by hand and the cost of using ethically sourced materials. I can’t compete on price with the likes of Amazon (who quite frankly don’t need any more money) or jewellery companies that get their stuff mass produced for pennies overseas, so I rarely offer discounts. However…

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New Celestial Collection

I’ve finally photographed and added my celestial collection to the website! With moons and stars hand carved from wax, then cast into recycled eco-silver and gold, I’m really happy with these designs.

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Experiments in Engraving

I’ve been wanting to take a hand engraving class forever, and finally booked one with the Hand Engravers Association back in April. But then, tada, global pandemic! They postponed the course to September, but by that time restrictions were still in place, so they made the decision to trial an online version of the Hand Engravers for Beginners weekend, with us as their guinea pig group.

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Custom Celtic Initial Birthstone Necklace

It was my lovely flatmate’s birthday recently and I wanted to make her something nice. Like me, she’s half Scottish, so I picked a Gaelic type font (fonts are so tricky to choose!) and cut the initial from recycled sheet silver. I then added an emerald for her birthstone and a little star just to finish it off.

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Silver Cocktail/Olive Picks

In the slightly odd times we are currently inhabiting, creating jewellery has been somewhat difficult due to supplier shutdowns. Whilst my lovely customers have been super patient with the delays, I have been feeling a bit frustrated at not being able to make anything, so this weekend, I recycled some of my scrap silver and turned it into some cocktail skewers.

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COVID-19 Update

So, we are living in very strange times right? I’m pretty sure I remember having words with 2020 on New Years Day and making it promise that it would be less awful than my 2019 was, and yet here we are! I hope you are all safe and well.

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First Birthday Custom Silver Charm Bracelet

My friends’ gorgeous daughter celebrated her first birthday this month, so I wanted to make something special for her. Even though she’s a little young for a silver charm bracelet just now, it’s designed to be added to each year with charms that tell her story, and given to her when she’s old enough to wear it.

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Custom Roller Derby Skate Number

Another recent custom roller derby skate necklace, with the skater’s number as an additional charm. Both handmade from recycled sterling eco-silver.

I do enjoy making these custom skate numbers, even though they take quite a long time to cut out and carve from the solid silver sheet!

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Solid gold star necklace

My lovely friend turned 40 this month and I wanted to make her something a little bit special to mark the occasion. For many years, she wore a simple, delicate gold chain with a tiny emerald strung on it pretty much every time I saw her, but it had recently broken.

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New Website (yes, again!)

If you've known me for some time, you are probably well versed in my web design woes.  I started back in 2010 with the platform, Moonfruit (is that even still a thing..?)  It was a silly program and the site looked pretty but lacked e-commerce ability and looked TERRIBLE on mobile phones! 

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LaurenGrace Comments
A Belated Hello to 2019

Greetings lovely readers and a belated welcome to a brand new year. I hope your 2019 is going better than mine.

At the beginning of January, traditionally I take a reflective look back at the year. At my successes and failures, the things I have learned and my plans for the future. Whilst procrastinating filling in my tax return, obvs.

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Merry Christmas!

And we’re done, phew! Last orders posted out, Christmas presents purchased and fairy lights up.

The boy is out on yet another work Christmas do this evening, so I have poured myself a prosecco and will be chilling out with the cats in front of a Christmas movie. Or Die Hard. Which may or may not be a Christmas movie depending on which side you take in the annual Twitter argument about this.

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Christmas Markets 2018

I have been ridiculously busy during the last half of this year, with wonderful things like holidays and weddings, but also with rather more mundane (yet frustratingly time consuming!) house renovation stuff. Consequently, I have scaled back my Christmas jewellery events and am only doing two markets this Christmas.

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Custom Roller Derby Necklace

I’ve been doing a lot of custom silver roller derby skate numbers in the run up to Christmas, but haven’t had time to take any pictures! This one was for a birthday, so it’s fine for me to share now.

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