Inspired by our peculiarly British obsession with the weather, and inspired by the classic BBC weather symbols, behold my 'Rain or Shine' collection of lovely sterling silver clouds.
Read MoreI am a bit rubbish with plants. Tis a fact. Since moving into our flat at the end of January, I've killed three mint plants. Three! Yes, dear readers, I am a mint murderer.
Read MoreOkay, so I haven't quite been chained to my workbench finishing off my shiny weather, as the small matter of the London Rollergirls season championship bout rather got in the way. I miss roller derby terribly, and it was really lovely to see everyone.
Read MoreShiny weather! Well, alright, it's not at all shiny just yet, this is what it comes back from the caster looking like. Soon, it shall be turned into shiny silver cloud necklaces and earrings and sunshine necklaces too.
Read MoreI love cuckoo clocks. I have been coveting one for quite some time and when I saw this lovely walnut timepiece of awesomeness by Diamantini & Domeniconi I knew it must be mine. It's possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen and therefore perfect!
Read MoreThis is one of the new, entirely non-roller derby related projects I have been working on over the past couple of months. I had been wanting an initial charm for my bracelet, which now makes a lovely jingly noise when I type, but could only find very boring fonts,
Read MoreI was having a rummage through my jewellery box before doing a photshoot last weekend and came across some rings I made at college. It appears that my obsession with making things very pointy started a while ago...
Read MoreIt may appear from my last couple of posts that I've not been terribly constructive on the shiny things front. Not so! I've been working really hard, honest I have,
Read MoreFrom the title of this post, you would be forgiven for thinking that I may actually be about to impart some wisdom on the matter, but fear not dear readers, this project has been approached with my usual mix of haphazardness and blind faith.
Read MoreI have been having vague ideas about making cupcake charms recently. But how, I thought, would one make the little swirly mountain of icing that traditionally sits atop one? Tricky... But wait! Why not use actual icing equipment? Brilliant, no? Er, not so much actually.
Read MoreRemember these fab moustache rings I showed you a few weeks ago? I liked the tiny little moustaches before they were attached to the rings so much, I thought I'd do a little moustache charm. Silver sheet + tiny sawblades = happy jeweller!
Read MoreSo, I figured it was about time I got me a website. Having checked out some web design companies, it seemed that a basic site would set me back in the region of £400. Eek! This is way more money than is sitting in my jewellery account right now.
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