New Roller Derby Charm


It may appear from my last couple of posts that I've not been terribly constructive on the shiny things front. Not so! I've been working really hard, honest I have, I've just been a bit rubbish recently about blogging work in progress. I've had a few friends ask recently if I'd make them plain roller derby helmet charm, so it can be engraved with skate names and/or numbers, and I've finally made one and had it cast.

I am hoping to take a class on acid etching soon, so that I can sort out the names and numbers myself. Scary chemicals - eek!

Whilst I had the camera out, I figured I'd also do some better pictures of my little pivot helmet, as I was never entirely happy with those.

Also, I had a play with doing a little helmet composition shot - thought it might work on a business card perhaps...?

I also have some super-exciting non-roller derby related jewellery in progress right now - pictures soon...