Hi There 2013!

Well 2012 disappeared pretty quickly!  I'm amazed how fast the end of the year especially went by.  One minute it was August, and then suddenly December snuck over the horizon, bedecked with tinsel and blowing little glittery raspberries at me. Again, I had rather failed to be organised in the run up to Christmas, mainly due to foolishly deciding to entirely rebuild my website from scratch a couple of months previously.  Next year there WILL be organisation.  No, really, there will.

So, 2012 then.  Achievements included the aforementioned new website.  Pretty, isn't it?

Website capture

I also designed an entire new collection, inspired by baroque architecture, for a wedding:

[nggallery id=12]

My roller derby jewellery was excitingly popular this year, and I got to do a few custom skate necklaces.  I love making the little numbers.

[nggallery id=7]

The most exciting thing about 2012 though, was finally managing to reduce my hours at my day job, which completely saved my sanity!  My jewellery is starting to be a full time job in itself, so combining that with working full time hours at a law firm was just no longer sustainable.

So, what awaits me in 2013 then?  I'm pretty excited about this year actually - I have so many ideas that I want to get off the ground.  I have plans for new shiny things to add to my roller derby range for a start.  I'm also going to learn about etching and cold enamelling - watch this space for experiments with alarming chemicals!

Right, back to the workshop now - need to get started on my plans for world domination.

Happy new year!